How Will Each Podcast Episode Be Promoted As It’s Released?

Excerpt from: Podcasting at Work: 25 Questions to Ask Before Starting

Now that you’ve launched, building an audience for your podcast should be an ongoing process. Your audience needs to know when new episodes drop, but more importantly, what’s in it for them. This nurtures the relationship with your existing audience while making it easy for new followers to see the value in what you provide.

To do this focus on the content of the episode, rather than the simple fact that a new episode is available. A compelling clip or an amazing guest is a lot more compelling than “New Episode of [your podcast series] Is Up!” Surface quotes, clips, and images that demonstrate the best content waiting in the episode, then share these things far and wide on social media, your email list, etc…

One of the most effective strategies we’ve seen for promoting individual episodes is to encourage podcast guests to share the content in their networks. 

If you’re regularly hosting guests from outside your organization, this can exponentially increase your reach. 

Make it easy for your guests to share their episode: Once the episode is online, send them a note thanking them for their participation, and encouraging them to share it. Include a link to the episode along with an image or clip, and a caption for them to share on their social media channels. Follow up a week later if they haven’t done it with a gentle nudge. You can also tag your guests and their organizations on social media to draw their attention to the episode and encourage them to re-share.